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Fakulteti i Ekonomisë

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Fakulteti i Ekonomisë

Mission and Vision

Misioni i Fakultetit të Ekonomisë është i dyfishtë: së pari, të përfshijë studentë të kualifikuar në fusha të ndryshme si ekonomi, biznes, administrim biznesi, IT, financë, kontabilitet, bankë, auditim, marketing etj. Fakulteti është i përkushtuar të mbështesë kërkimin shkencor që përkthehet në ide dhe projekte të reja që kontribuojnë në përmirësimin e jetës njerëzore dhe përparimin shoqëror. Në përputhje me vizionin e institucionit, fakulteti synon të rrënjosë tek studentët mendimin kritik, arsyetimin objektiv, aftësitë analitike dhe zgjidhjen e problemeve, lidershipin dhe mbi të gjitha krijmtarinë.


Për më tepër, Fakulteti i Ekonomisë përpiqet të përgatisë studentë të aftë në fusha si ekonomi, biznes, administrim biznesi, teknologjinë e informacionit, financë, kontabilitet, bankë dhe auditim, ndër të tjera. Kjo arrihet përmes një filozofie arsimore të bazuar në vlera universale. Fakulteti promovon aktisht kërkimin shkencor për të zbatuar ide dhe projekte novatore, duke nxitur përmirësime jo vetëm në jetën individuale, por edhe në shoqëri në përgjithësi. Në përputhje me vizionin e institucionit, fakulteti përpiqet të zhvillojë të menduarit kritik, arsyetimin objektiv, aftësitë analitike dhe zgjidhjen e problemeve, cilësitë e lidershipit dhe, veçanërisht, origjinalitetin tek studentët e tij.


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Njësia CIRD Economy

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The Faculty of Economy mission is to prepare qualified students in the field of economy, business, business administration, business administration and IT, finance, accounting, banking, auditing, marketing etc. Another main issue is to support scientific research in order to implement new ideas and projects which affect human life improvement, but not only, even in the entire society improvement.

The Economy Faculty follows the institution’s vision of being committed to developing students: critical thinking, objective reasoning, analytical and problem-solving skills, leadership skills, and, most importantly, how to be creative.


The Faculty of Economy consist of these units and study programs:


  • Department of Business Administration

Bachelor in Business Administration
Bachelor in Finance and Accounting

Master of Science in Business Administration

Master of Science in Finance and Accounting

  • Finance and Banking Profile
  • Accounting and Auditing Profile

  • Department of Business Administration and Information Technology

Business Administration and IT

Business Information Technology

Digital Marketing

  • “CIRD Economy” Scientific and Research Centre
We present you with our esteemed

Dean of Faculty of Economy

Dear Students,


Welcome to the community of the Faculty of Economy at the Canadian Institute of Technology!


As the Dean, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to both our new and returning students.


Our faculty takes pride in providing a dynamic learning environment, and I am delighted that you have chosen to be part of our academic family


Whether you are embarking on a Bachelor’s journey in Business Administration, Finance and Accounting, or Business Administration & IT, or advancing your studies in our Master’s programs in Digital Marketing, Business Administration, Business Information Technology, Finance, and Accounting, you are stepping into a world of possibilities.


In these pages of the student guidebook, you’ll find valuable information about the programs, resources, and opportunities that await you. This guidebook is designed to be your compass, helping you navigate the exciting academic terrain that lies ahead.


As you delve into your studies, I encourage you to embrace the diversity of thought and experiences within our faculty. Engage with your professors, collaborate with your peers, and take advantage of the various support services available to you.


I have great confidence that your journey with us will be transformative. The programs we offer are not just courses; they are pathways to a future where you can make a meaningful impact in the world of economics and business. I wish you a successful academic year.



Welcome, and here’s to a year of learning, exploration, and achievement!



Best regards

Assoc. Prof. Altin Hoti

Dean of Economy Faculty